Wednesday, January 25, 2012

To detox or not.....that is the question. **Warning!!! Pics are gross!!**

While you may not think that detox is part of the "Future Mrs. Buckles" blog, I believe it is.  It's funny the hoops one will jump through before going to a dress boutique.....just ask me.  I am a fad dieter and I believe in "quick fixes".  The biggest reason I am or believe is because I am not interested in taking the longer and often smarter path to achieve results.  That's not to say that I am not counting calories and weighing because I am.  I am currently maintaining under on my daily caloric count and weigh in at 122.8.  (I weigh's the cheeks and boobs.... :-)  I will never be a poster child for healthy living.  I push the envelope on anything and everything that one could indulge in.  I enjoy that lifestyle.  I firmly believe no one gets out alive and quote myself anytime I am in need of an excuse to be unhealthy or to indulge.  ;-)  I have hung on to the memory of Wendy's Big Bacon Classic from Saturday night to get me through this week.  Sad, maybe.....true, absolutely. 

I say all of that to share how I arrived at my decision to try an ionic foot detox.....  If you read my other blog you know I tried the 3 day green smoothie challenge.... BLAH!!!  I have a massage therapist and friend that has, what I would describe as, a different outlook on life that I absolutely love.  I'm not sure I could ever live the life she does but she inspires me to at least look at the world different.  She's not full of opinion, never imposes her lifestyle and allows me to read the research to form my own opinion.  She read my posts regarding the detox/green smoothie challenge and invited me to try the ionic foot detox.  She pointed me to information and I was in.  I went today and it was so cool.....and gross. Again, I had researched and looked at pictures so I was somewhat forewarned.  I actually expected my water to explode in ALL colors.....especially black.  If you are confused by that please refer back to poster child for healthy living.

I didn't want to post a blog that didn't contain information regarding the foot detox because I know how hard it is to actually research something so I have linked you to information that I found helpful. The purpose of an ionic foot detox is to improve overall health by ridding the body of toxins that we come in contact everyday in many, many ways.  You can read more here.... 
It's not so much about losing weight or being dress ready as it is an approach for overall better health.  Ionic foot detox can improve many health conditions.  "An ionic foot detox machine is a modern energy therapy device which balances the body's natural energy system. By introducing a high level of negative ions into the water of a foot bath, the feet, utilizing principles of reflexology and the science of ionization and osmosis, create a positive cellular environment and enable the body's natural detoxification processes to function at their peak." (

So back to my detox.....  I went to Danielle's house today.  I can't convey how excited I was to be invited into her home!  She has an awesome garden plan that I wanted to see and so much more!!  I regret that those of you reading this will most likely be seen at her place of business, should you choose to contact her, but I must share that part of my field trip excitement was going to her home.  :)  Danielle got me set up in the foot detox basin.

We waited and watched.....  The colors started showing immediately!  If you think the above is gross you just wait....  The process takes a little more than 30 minutes and the above pic is 5 minutes in.

I warned you.......  This is the close up of more than halfway through the session.....

Here is the end result....  

And the color chart......
So now, if you are not bored, you are wondering about results.  This is my first time and the expectation is to feel better overall and reduce the amount of toxins "pulled" in each session.  Here is what I found regarding results on the web.....

"What One Sees...

What’s really interesting is what one observes after experiencing a series of  Ionic Foot Baths! With continued sessions one will start noticing that the water in the foot bath becomes less discolored and remains more like clear water. This is a sign of being cleansed from accumulated toxic build-up in the body. Digital photographs of the water of the Ionic Foot Bath are taken after each session, so one can see visually the dramatic changes that are occurring in the water of the foot bath; in that it is now becoming more clear and less polluted with toxins (or particulate) from the body. Distilled water (pure water) is used as the water medium in the Ionic Foot Bath, void of any other toxins, metals, impurities etc. as often found in “regular” tap water. This enables one to see  visually what truly presents in the water in terms of released toxins from the body following an Ionic Foot Bath Detoxification."

I can't wait until my next session with Danielle!!  Here is her contact info if you are interested.... Did I mention she is an awesome massage therapist and has ashiatsu bars?!?!?  Oh yeah!!!  Google it if you don't know....  :)

Until next time,

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