Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thoughts are like ping pong balls...unless they are more like bowling balls.

Isn't it funny how when you are in the shower you have great ideas but when you sit down in front of your laptop they are gone.....  It's not that I am thinking about a wedding dress style or music selections yet.  It's the fleeting thought of "I should make a list of things to do and this is what should be on the list" while shaving my legs.  Speaking of shaving legs, I often wonder why I bother in this crazy weather unless it's simply to stave off gorilla legs.  Speaking of gorilla legs, have you seen my gorilla pics on Facebook?  Uh oh.... Obviously off track again....  See what I mean?  Ping pong ball versus bowling ball.  It seems that with normal train of thought my thoughts are like ping pong balls but when I try to think of wedding plans the thoughts resemble bowling balls after a granny bowl.  Why is that?  I am amazed at my lack of knowledge regarding wedding etiquette and see a lot of Googling in my future. How I wish I had "pulled a Monica" and kept a binder full of wedding wishes. *Sigh*

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the information about the ping pong balls. It is great fun by spending time on this post. My close friend is planned the wedding using the wedding app and wants to plan the wedding in a well organized manner.
